Edmonton Aikikai - Strathcona Community Center - 10139 87 Avenue Northwest - Edmonton


In Aikido there are two different categories of practitioners: white belts and black belts. There are 5 levels of white belt and 8 of black belt (levels 9 and 10 for black belt are reserved for special circumstances).

The first exam in Aikido will be fifth kyu also known as gokyu After that yonkyu (4th), sankyu (3rd), nikyu (2nd), and ikkyu (1st). Black belt levels start with shodan (1st) through judan (10th).
Yudansha (dan) promotions are registered with the Aikikai Foundation, Aikido World Headquarters through the CAF office.

Prerequisite to take an exam is the attendance of a specified number of classes. At the exam the practitioner has to demonstrate certain movements and techniques. For advanced exams, more emphasis is put on the flow of the technique as well as the use of ki. Exams may be held at any time of the year and are either conducted by dojo instructors or technical committees at training seminars and camps. Technique content for kyu grades is specified by the Canadian Aikido Federation, and dan grades by the examining Shihan.

Promotion is based on hours of practice, ability, and spirit (attitude). The exact content of the exam is determined at the time of the exam by the examiner. Anything that you have been shown is fair game but the expectations are given in the following guideline and are frequently used as exam requirements. At low grades the practitioner is expected to know the basic forms. As rank increases timing, balance, then speed and stability, then power and flow become more important. At the highest levels, technique variations become important. The following listing is based on the Hombu Dojo test requirements. One day of practice equals one hour countable per day from the date of the last exam.


Exam for Grade of: Prerequisites: Contents
Ikkyo Nikyo Sankyo Yonkyo Gokyu Shiho-nage Irimi-nage Kote-gaeshi Kaiten-nage Tenchi-nage Jiyuwaza Kokyo-ho
5th Kyu 60 days of practice Shomen-uchi         Katatedori Shomen-uchi         Sitting
4th Kyu 80 days of practice after obtaining 5th kyu Shomen-uchi Katadori       Yokomen-uchi Shomen-uchi         Sitting
3rd Kyu 100 days of practice after obtaining 4th Kyu Shomen-uchi (Sitting and Standing)   Ryotedori
  Ryotedori   Sitting
2nd Kyu 100 days of practice after obtaining 3rd Kyu Shomen-uchi (Sitting and Standing)
Katadori (Sitting and Standing)
  Katatedori (Hanmi-handachi) Shomen-uchi
Tsuki (Standing)
Katatedori Ryotedori Katatedori Sitting
1st Kyu 120 days of practice after obtaining 2nd Kyu Shomen-uchi (Sitting and Standing)
Yokomen-uchi (Sitting and Standing)
Katadori (Sitting and Standing)
Ushiro Ryotedori
Yokomen-uchi Katatedori
Ryotedori (Hanmi-handachi and Standing)
Ryotedori Katatedori
1st Dan Minimum 1 year since 1st Kyu, with 200 days of practice Unarmed techniques
(sitting, sitting vs. standing, standing techniques for strikes, thrusts; all forms of grasping shoulders, elbows, collar, wrists and hands; all techniques from the rear)
2nd Dan Minimum 2 year since 1st dan, with 350 days of practice Same as above plus Tantodori and Futarigake
Submit an article on some Aikido-related subject.
3rd Dan Minimum 3 years since 2nd dan, with 500 days of practice Same as above plus Tachidori, Jodori and Taninzugake
Same as above (Topics will be assigned)
4th Dan Minimum 4 years since 3rd dan, with 650 days of practice Jiyuwaza for all of the above plus a short essay